Tareq's biography

Tareq Hassan’s Biography

Tareq Hassan has more than 12 years of experience in Humanitarian, Environment, Climate Change, Development Projects, Stakeholder engagements, Partnership, Fundraising, Resource Mobilizing, management, administration, organizational capacity building, policy development, advocacy, team leadership, management and accomplishments in coordination. Tareq is currently serving as the Executive Director of Sustainable Development Network Canada (SDNC).

Before that, Tareq worked as the head of the National Forum for Environment and Sustainable Development (NFESD) in Yemen as well as the Head of the Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN). Tareq has also worked as the Representative and International Partnerships and Funding Manager at the International Youth Council-YEMEN (IYCY).

Due to his extensive experience, Form 2021-2023, Tareq was appointed to serve as the Program Manager and Acting Country Director of Qatar Charity (QC) an International Organization in Yemen. Between 2015- 2022, Tareq was elected as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Regional Facilitator for Major Groups and stakeholders in West Asia Region he professionally lead all UNEP’s West Asia accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders and strategically managed all relevant programs and activities, He also represented the Consortium of Major Groups and Stakeholders in West Asia Region in all high-level meetings such as Minstrel meeting, United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), UNEA 3, UNEA 4 , UNEA5, UNEA6, Climate Change Conference (COP), Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) , Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forums (GMGSF), the United Nations High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development (HLPF) , and other international meetings. He gained experience in international development, international negotiations, technical Expertise, development of policy statements, and Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE).

On 1st December 2020, Mr. Tareq was appointed as the Relation and Communication Manager by Climate Action Network - International (CAN) for the Climate Action Network Arab World (CAN-AW). From April 2015-April 2017, Tareq served as a project manager at Sheikh Thani Bin Abdullah Foundation for Humanitarian Services in Qatar. Additionally, Tareq is experienced and familiar with working in emergency and conflicted zones such as Yemen through his past experience as the Operations and Programme Manager at the International Youth Council –Yemen (IYCY) between March 2013 and March 2015 as well as a Chairman of IYCY which, he managed to design tens of projects that building resilience to fragility. In August 2017 , Tareq launched the Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN) which focuses on Empowerment and capacity building for Youth, local organizations and initiatives in the MENA region in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals. He was one of the reviewers of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) launched by the United Nations Environment (UNEP). He has conducted numerous trainings on Sustainable Development, climate change, Youth empowerment, NGO development, and participated in tens of international conferences, summits, workshops, round tables, in Europe, Africa, America, and Asia.

Tareq holds a Master of Science in Management of Sustainable Development Goals (MSDG) from the University of LUMSA - Italy and a Bachelor's degree of Chemical Engineering from the University of Malaya - Malaysia. He has gone through numerous Professional training courses in, leadership, Management, Organization Management, Soft Skills, and Research and gained a certificate in Economic Development from the American University in Cairo and a professional certificate in Climate change from Oxford University.He was a fellow at the International School on Climate Mobilities (ISCM), in collaboration with SOAS University of London and Earth Refuge, alongside with IOM - UN Migration.He was selected as a fellow for The Global People’s Summit Fellowship Program (Global People’s Fellows) in August 2018.


      Professional Involvement:

  • Speaker at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies on "The Role of Youth in Sustainable Development in Conflict Countries" (20 March 2019). Doha –Qatar.
  • Trainer on delivering a workshop titled (Youth as Peacebuilders and Sustainable Development changemakers in their nations) in ROTA's 11th Annual Youth Conference Empower 2019. (14-16 March 2019). Doha – Qatar.
  • Trained and Empower 25 Yemeni Youth and trained them about ''Forward step to understanding SDGs" (21 February 2019) organized by International Youth Council – Yemen. Sana'a – Yemen.
  •  Trained and Empower Yemeni Youth on (Sustainable Development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2, Goal No 5 and Goal No 6). (21 February 2019) organized by Resource for sustainable Development Foundation. Sana'a – Yemen.
  •  Trained 25 Yemeni Youth on "sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture as well as Goal No 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. (January 28th, 2019) organized by Resource for sustainable Development Foundation. Sana'a – Yemen. 
  • Trained 20 Yemeni Youth on sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on (Goal No 2 End hunger and Goal No 6). (7th January 2019). Organized by Resource for sustainable Development Foundation. Sana'a – Yemen. Sana'a – Yemen.
  • Trained 40 Yemeni Youth on "Youth Rehabilitation for Job Market" (4-5 December 2018). Organized by IYCY and Nahadah Makers organization. Aden- Yemen.
  •  Trained 55 young men and women on (The sustainable development goals (SDGs) in their history and how these goals were adopted). (19th September 2018). Organized by the International Youth Council – Yemen. Sana'a – Yemen.
  • Trained and Empowered Yemeni Young people on "Rehabilitation for the job market". (2nd September 2018). Organized by the International Youth Council – Yemen. Sana'a – Yemen.

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