Welcome to my Professional Web

Tareq Hassan

International Partnerships and Funding Manager, NGO Representative, Chairman, Head, Former INGO Country Director, Former Regional Facilitator @UNEP. NGOs &INGOs Expert, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Advisor. Humanitarian, Development, Youth Affairs Expert . 

During COP28 , while leading Yemeni NGOs and Arab NGOs

During my participatation at the annual conference of the Commission on the Status of Women (#CSW68) 2024 .

CSW68 brings together women's empowerment and gender equality organizations and a wide range of stakeholders to address sustainable development priorities from a regional perspective, discuss progress, review national experiences, and strengthen the region's voice. ECOSOC organizes, in collaboration with UN Women and other UN entities operating in the world The annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is considered important, as governments, civil society, youth, the private sector, and the United Nations discuss how to eradicate poverty, #invest_in_women, accelerate progress in gender-based equality, and empower all women and girls.

where we are looking to act to empower #women in #Yemen and in those conflicted areas

During Advancing Climate Justice and Feminism workshop in Amman 22-23 April 2024 organized by Oxfam MENA .

At the 2024 Arab Forum for Sustainable Development organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA

I had the pleasure of facilitating and leading a meeting between representatives of major groups and stakeholders accredited to UN Environment

And the members of the Arab group as well as Arab permanent representatives to the United Nations Environment and His Excellency Dr. Mahmoud Fathallah, 1-director of Environmental and Meteorological Affairs (EMA) Representative of League of Arab States (LAS).

It was headed by Ambassador Hazem Shabat, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Kenya and its Permanent Representative to the UNEP and Chairman of the Arab Group,

Where the discussion took place to present the vision of the Major groups and stakeholders on the draft resolutions for the sixth session of the United Nations General Assembly #UNEA6, which will be held in the period between February 26 - March 1, 2024, and future cooperation and coordination between all parties.

A Very productive meeting with the president of UNECOSOC during #UNEA6 with UNEP accredited major groups and stakeholders. We thank her for her leadership and support to Major Groups and Stakeholders for effective engagements in different UN processes

United Nations Economic and Social Council

A fruitful meeting with H.E Inger andersen UN Environment Programme Executive Director and H.E. Ms. Leila Benali President of UNEA6   with accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders during the 20th Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum - #GMGSF20 before the Sixth United Nations Environment Assembly #unea6 starts tomorrow where she has shared her responses to MGS concerns and enhancing their engagement and participation.

During my  participants at the thirty-seventh meeting of civil society organizations From 31 January -1st February 2024 hosted by the Egyptian Food Bank, under the title “Practical Strategies for Sustainable Agricultural Food Systems in the Near East and North Africa.”
This hosting comes as part of the Egyptian Food Bank’s cooperation with the Union of Arab Maghreb and North African Farmers, the Omani Agricultural Society, and the Arab Society for Plant Protection, and in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Outcomes of#COP28and the role of#Yemeniand#Arab#civil_societyorganizations in COP28

By Tareq Hassan

To continue reading Click here 

Yemen’s Climate Crisis: Navigating Challenges, Seeking Justice, and the Urgency for Climate Finance at COP28

By :

 Tareq Hassan 

Sahar Mohamed 

In the coming weeks, Yemen will be actively participating in the twenty-eighth

session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, spanning from

November 30 to December 12. Representatives from 198 countries, as well as

those from international organizations and United Nations agencies, the

private sector, and stakeholders concerned with climate change, will be present

at the conference.

To continue reading the full article Click Here.

Had the pleasure to participate at the Regional Conference of Youth on Climate Change#RCOY on ‘Youth, Peace, and Climate Security’ and exchange understanding about the impacts of climate change with our excellent youth participants . 

The conference was held in Egypt from 21-22 Novermber 2023 

Delivering Keynote Address about organizing the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY ) Yemen on Climate Change as the Local Conferences of Youth (LCOY) are events by YOUNGO, the official children and youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Yemen was held from, 20-21 November 2023 and it is the first-ever initiative aimed at empowering and engaging young people in climate action and sustainability efforts. The conference will provide a platform for youth from across Yemen to come together, exchange ideas, and develop strategies to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change.

Speaker at the Plenary Session: Climate Policy Today in Yemen during the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY ) Yemen where I highlighted the role of Yemenis in addressing climate issues as well as the role of Yemeni Civil society organizations and in climate change 

Speaker at the  Changemaker20 Summit  organized as part of the C20 and Y20 under the G20 presidency of India

I was honored to lead a dialogue session entitled The Impact of Climate Change on Water and Food Security in the Arab World, accompanied by speakers from several Arab countries, during the activities of Climate Week in the Middle East and North Africa,  held 8-12 October 2023 in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

MENA Climate Week 2023

Impact of Climate change on water and Food Security in the Arab region 

Participatied at the  hybrid and productive UNEP's #West_Asia Regional Consultative Meeting (RCM) for Major Groups and stakeholders in the region hosted by

@ea_oman  from 21-23 October 2023 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

During my participation at the UNGA 2023  

During my participation at the UN High Level Political Forum on Sutinable Development 2023

Had the pleasure of participating at The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) during the #hlpf2023 at the @UN which is a partnership between several United Nations entities and the higher education community, currently chaired by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the Sulitest Association - a non-profit organization and online platform aimed at improving sustainability literacy for all. Other UN partners include UNESCO, UN Environment Programme, UN Global Compact’s Principles for Responsible Management Education initiative, UN University, UN-HABITAT, UNCTAD, UNITAR, UN Office for Partnerships and UN Academic Impact.

2nd Arab Forum for Equality  

Had the pleasure of attending and participating in the Second Arab Forum for Equality, organized by ESCWA  the United Nations Economic and Social Committee for West Asian Countries, from 6-7 June 2023 at the United Nations House in Beirut.


My Intervention to the #Arab Member states meeting during COP27 Which I   have stressed to them on engaging CSos and #NGOs from the region in #COP27 negotiations

Had the pleasure to be a speaker in a session entitled “The contribution of development opportunities for youth to the enjoyment of all human rights”, during the conference of Arabic-speaking countries, held at the United Nations house in Beirut under the invitation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Role of Arab Youth in Climate Action during COP27 

Had the pleasure of being one of the speakers

At the Expert Group Meeting on Mobilizing the #Young People to Combat #Desertification and #Drought organized by UNESCWA For more info 

Delivering  Keynote  during my participation in the Second Arab Land Conference  organized by UN-HABITAT, the WORLD BANK , the International Land Coalition (ILC), and the Global Land Exploitation Network (GLTN)

I had the honor to lead an effective session with MrErik Solheim the Executive Director of UN Environment during the 17th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum Preparing for the third United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA3)

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Engaging the Arab Youth in Climate Action

by Tareq Hassan - Head of the Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN)

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has announced that COP27 and COP28 will be held in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates respectively. With this announcement, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region takes the center stage in the international climate arena for the first time in history.

The MENA region is experiencing a rapid increase in the youth population, which is expected to double by mid-century, with approximately 271 million young people living in the region. Several countries are expected to grow their populations by almost 50% by 2030, with Egypt having the largest absolute increase. Despite a potentially young population, it has the lowest civic engagement in the world due to violence, social norms and other factors.

As a region facing devastating climate impacts that can exacerbate existing tensions, it is critical to engage young people in climate resilience and create green jobs in the process. At COP27, ambitious, innovative and equitable solutions are expected.

To continue reading the full article Click Here.

The Impact of Conflict on Climate Change Adaptation in Yemen

by Tareq Hassan - Head of the Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN)

Over the past six years, Yemen has been experiencing a period of widespread destabilization which intensified in September 2014, resulting in a full-blown civil war and international military intervention in early 2015. 

While the violence has been vicious and destructive, by far the most damaging consequences for the wider Yemeni population have involved the conflict undermining the systems by which the country functions — devastating the economy, social integration, the humanitarian situation and developmental progress. 

More than half of Yemen’s 27 million people live on incomes below the poverty line, and the mostly rural population continues to grow rapidly. Severe food insecurity and water scarcity, worsening gender inequality, widespread poverty, and a lack of economic growth in Yemen are all compounded by the ongoing armed conflict.

To continue reading the full article Click here.

Keys to Sustainable Development in Yemen

Tareq Hassan is the Chairman of the International Youth Council -Yemen (IYCY), a leading organization in Yemen active in WASH, Nutrition, Food Security, Health, Shelter, Protection, Governance, Education, Peace, Energy, Environment & Climate Change as well as Youth Development. He was elected as the UN Environment (UNEP) Regional Facilitator for Major Groups and Stakeholders for the West Asia Region in 2015, 2017, and 2020. Tareq shares with us about the importance of integrating sustainability into the emergency aid projects being implemented in Yemen and emphasizes education as a key to developing Yemeni change-makers.

Formore information Click here 

Yemen’s Conflict: The Struggle for a sustainable future

In the recent years Yemen has been encountering a time of across the board destabilisation, which strengthened in September 2014 and brought about all out common war and universal military intercession in March 2015.While the brutality has been horrendous and dangerous, by a wide margin the most harming ramifications for the more extensive Yemeni populace have been the way the contention has undermined the frameworks by which the country capacities – obliterating the economy, social coordination, the compassionate circumstance and formative advancement.

The outcome is that a huge number of individuals in Yemen are presently persevering extreme financial hardship and close starvation.

To read the full article please click here

On 23 July 2022 , During my Speech at the  Expert group meeting  to mobilize youth to combat desertification and drought in the Arab World organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA . Beirut Lebanon .

On 23 July 2022 , During my Speech at the Expert group meeting to mobilize youth to combat desertification and drought in the Arab World organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA . Beirut Lebanon .

At the #stockholm50 where we strengthen the stakeholders partnerships for a healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All.

At the #stockholm50 where we strengthen the stakeholders partnerships for a healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All.

On 29 March 2022 , During my participations at the  a side event on “#Youth Action and Gender-Sensitive National #Climate Policies in MENA” at the #MENA Climate Week

On 29 March 2022 , During my participations at the a side event on “#Youth Action and Gender-Sensitive National #Climate Policies in MENA” at the #MENA Climate Week

During my participations at the session entitled the road to COP 27 during the Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA5.2) organized by UN Environment from (28 Feb-02 March 2022) Nairobi - Kenya

During my participations at the session entitled the road to COP 27 during the Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA5.2) organized by UN Environment from (28 Feb-02 March 2022) Nairobi - Kenya

On 19th January 2022 , I had the honor to deliver the statement of the major groups and stakeholders accredited to the United Nations Environment Program in West Asia at the preparatory meeting organized by the Regional Office of the United Nations Environment Program in West Asia to support West Asian countries in preparing for the Fifth United Nation Environment  General Assembly of the United Nations Environment #UNEA5.2 and preparations To #UNEP@50 , Stockholm +50 .

On 19th January 2022 , I had the honor to deliver the statement of the major groups and stakeholders accredited to the United Nations Environment Program in West Asia at the preparatory meeting organized by the Regional Office of the United Nations Environment Program in West Asia to support West Asian countries in preparing for the Fifth United Nation Environment General Assembly of the United Nations Environment #UNEA5.2 and preparations To #UNEP@50 , Stockholm +50 .

First Arab Partnership Meeting for Disaster Risk Reduction organized by UNISDR (22-23 April 2018).  Egypt - Cairo.

First Arab Partnership Meeting for Disaster Risk Reduction organized by UNISDR (22-23 April 2018). Egypt - Cairo.

My interview on Medi 1TV about the impact of the return of the United States of America to #Paris Agreement on climate change, as well as the role of Arab countries in working for climate change and #Yemen in particular.

speaker at the Regional Food Systems Dialogue

Pleased to be a speaker at the Regional Food Systems Dialogue during the #Arab_Sustainable_Development_Forum which was held on 29th March 2021 and orgnized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia where I share the challenges of young people in obtaining healthy food systems and ways to engage and empower them in several areas such as #food_security and how to adapt to #climatechange.

On Saturday 9th January  2021 , I was pleased to give a virtual  seminar to 53 Youth from Yemen  by providing them some technical and professional skills as well as a guide for their education path  and providing them with opportunities resources .

On Saturday 9th January 2021 , I was pleased to give a virtual seminar to 53 Youth from Yemen by providing them some technical and professional skills as well as a guide for their education path and providing them with opportunities resources .

On 20-21 December 2020, it was my pleasure to lead a team to organize the regional conference on the role of civil society organizations in #Land governance in the Arab region, which lasted for two days, with the presence of many organizations from various Arab countries. As one of the outputs, we came out with the creation of a regional network led by the International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY) that includes many experts and organizations working and willing to work in the field of land governance.

On 20-21 December 2020, it was my pleasure to lead a team to organize the regional conference on the role of civil society organizations in #Land governance in the Arab region, which lasted for two days, with the presence of many organizations from various Arab countries. As one of the outputs, we came out with the creation of a regional network led by the International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY) that includes many experts and organizations working and willing to work in the field of land governance.

On November 8th 2020 , I had the honor  to participate in representation of International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY) at  the Climate Action Network Arab World (CAN-AW) General Assembly by presenting the impact of climate change in #Yemen, in the third session entitled The effects of climate change and the human role in accelerating its effects .

On November 8th 2020 , I had the honor to participate in representation of International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY) at the Climate Action Network Arab World (CAN-AW) General Assembly by presenting the impact of climate change in #Yemen, in the third session entitled The effects of climate change and the human role in accelerating its effects .

On 23 August 2020 , It was my pleasure  to train 73 Yemeni #Youth within Youth Leadership Programme (YLP6)  organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and YLDF under #Climate Change on How they can do the Environmental Impact assessment for their projects Great  to see such projects from Youth  to make change in Yemen in the future.

On 23 August 2020 , It was my pleasure to train 73 Yemeni #Youth within Youth Leadership Programme (YLP6) organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and YLDF under #Climate Change on How they can do the Environmental Impact assessment for their projects Great to see such projects from Youth to make change in Yemen in the future.

Photo with Arab Climate Group Expert during COP25 in Madrid - Spain

Photo with Arab Climate Group Expert during COP25 in Madrid - Spain

A valuable discussion between the Major Groups and
Stakeholders with the New Executive Director of UN Environment Andersen Inger during UNEA4.

A valuable discussion between the Major Groups and
Stakeholders with the New Executive Director of UN Environment Andersen Inger during UNEA4.

Meeting with UN Environment Ex Executive Director and Current UNDP Administrator

Speaking during the UN Environment Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum

Sharing the Statement of the West Asia Regional Major Groups and Stakeholders to the second United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP.

UNESCO MENA Regional Consultations for the 2nd Open Education Resources Congress

Final regional working group presentation During the MENA Regional Consultations on Open Education Resources that was organized by the Commonwealth of learning and Reach out to Asia and held in Qatar for the World Open Education Congress that will be held in Slovenia September 2017.

Pleasure to deliver a lecture as Speaker at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies on

Pleasure to deliver a lecture as Speaker at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies on "The Role of Youth in Sustainable Development in Conflict Countries" (20 March 2019). Doha –Qatar.

Pleasure to trained and  deliver a workshop on the title

Pleasure to trained and deliver a workshop on the title "Youth as a peacebuilders and Global Goals Changmakers in their Nations " during #Empower2019 organized by Reach out to Asia and Education Above All on 14th March 2019. Doha - Qatar .

During  my chair of Solidarity economy and community  initiatives for innovative sustainable business development Session at the 18th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders forum which happens during  the Foruth united Nations Environment Assembly UNEA-4 .

During my chair of Solidarity economy and community initiatives for innovative sustainable business development Session at the 18th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders forum which happens during the Foruth united Nations Environment Assembly UNEA-4 .

On  February 21, 2019 I was delighted  to empower Yemeni Youth and trained them a bout  Forward step to understand SDGs,. The training course targeted 25 participants from Youth who interested in sustainable development. The training course began with a general definition of the 17 goals and the history of sustainable development goals. Each goal was then explained with its indicators, and how to make them achievable by 2030. In addition, how to write sustainable projects.
In order for the course to be more effective, the participants were divided into groups to carry out activities and propose sustainable projects and reflect what they get from the course to their lives and experiences.

On February 21, 2019 I was delighted to empower Yemeni Youth and trained them a bout Forward step to understand SDGs,. The training course targeted 25 participants from Youth who interested in sustainable development. The training course began with a general definition of the 17 goals and the history of sustainable development goals. Each goal was then explained with its indicators, and how to make them achievable by 2030. In addition, how to write sustainable projects.
In order for the course to be more effective, the participants were divided into groups to carry out activities and propose sustainable projects and reflect what they get from the course to their lives and experiences.

On January 28th 2019 I have trained 25 amazing Yemeni Youth in Sana'a capital city of Yemen on sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture as well as Goal No 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The was organized by Resource Foundation Sustainable Development under their projects SDGs Ambassadors project. Part of the training was on creating sustainable projects under the two main Goals .In addition, on how to promote Gender Equality and involve women on creating and being a key role in  the projects .

On January 28th 2019 I have trained 25 amazing Yemeni Youth in Sana'a capital city of Yemen on sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture as well as Goal No 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The was organized by Resource Foundation Sustainable Development under their projects SDGs Ambassadors project. Part of the training was on creating sustainable projects under the two main Goals .In addition, on how to promote Gender Equality and involve women on creating and being a key role in the projects .

On February 18th 2019 ,  I was pleased to train amazing Yemeni Youth in Sana'a capital city of Yemen on sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2 and ,Goal No 5 and Goal No 6 .Part of the training was on creating sustainable projects under the three main Goals.

On February 18th 2019 , I was pleased to train amazing Yemeni Youth in Sana'a capital city of Yemen on sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2 and ,Goal No 5 and Goal No 6 .Part of the training was on creating sustainable projects under the three main Goals.

Trained 20  Yemeni Youth on sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture as well as Goal No 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The training was held in Sana'a and was organized by Source for Sustainable Development Foundation under their projects SDGs Ambassadors in Sana'a Capital city of Yemen on 7th January 2019 . Part of the training was on creating sustainable projects under the two main Goals .

Trained 20 Yemeni Youth on sustainable development Goals and mainly concentrate on Goal No 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture as well as Goal No 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The training was held in Sana'a and was organized by Source for Sustainable Development Foundation under their projects SDGs Ambassadors in Sana'a Capital city of Yemen on 7th January 2019 . Part of the training was on creating sustainable projects under the two main Goals .

The first Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Youth Forum brought together 110 young leader from all over the world who are taking steps towards climate action and projects related to ACE! Opening with UNFCCC Secretary General Ms. Patricia Espinosa & UNFCCC ACE focal Point Ms. Adriana Valenzuela. organized by UNFCCC (27-30 April 2018).Bonn –Germany

The first Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Youth Forum brought together 110 young leader from all over the world who are taking steps towards climate action and projects related to ACE! Opening with UNFCCC Secretary General Ms. Patricia Espinosa & UNFCCC ACE focal Point Ms. Adriana Valenzuela. organized by UNFCCC (27-30 April 2018).Bonn –Germany

Training on Youth Rehabilitation  for Job Market in Aden - December 2018

Training on Youth Rehabilitation for Job Market in Aden - December 2018

On September 19th 2018 I have trained 55 young men and women on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in their history and how these goals were adopted . In addition to training them on writing sustainable projects that serve Yemen in the future. What drew my attention is that the Yemeni youth actually created with all meaning of words an ideas to have proposals for sustainable projects that serve the country. In the future .. and example among these projects a project called (invest your garbage), which aims in recycling of waste, in addition to the project (all equal), which aims to raise awareness of the community that there is no one better than other . third example was a bout building (Green House), which aims to build Green Building and many more Innovations. Actually only these young people whom need of full support and believe me they will do great for the future of Yemen .

There is a great hope for the youth of Yemen, despite the pain.

On September 19th 2018 I have trained 55 young men and women on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in their history and how these goals were adopted . In addition to training them on writing sustainable projects that serve Yemen in the future. What drew my attention is that the Yemeni youth actually created with all meaning of words an ideas to have proposals for sustainable projects that serve the country. In the future .. and example among these projects a project called (invest your garbage), which aims in recycling of waste, in addition to the project (all equal), which aims to raise awareness of the community that there is no one better than other . third example was a bout building (Green House), which aims to build Green Building and many more Innovations. Actually only these young people whom need of full support and believe me they will do great for the future of Yemen .

There is a great hope for the youth of Yemen, despite the pain.

Delivered a training to Empower  Yemeni Young people for their rehabilitation for the job market - Sana'a - Yemen- Septmber 2018

Delivered a training to Empower Yemeni Young people for their rehabilitation for the job market - Sana'a - Yemen- Septmber 2018

The consultative meeting of humanitarian organizations on the humanitarian situation in Yemen organized by the Yemeni Relief Committee in coordination and cooperation with Qatar Charity (3 May 2015). Doha -Qatar

The consultative meeting of humanitarian organizations on the humanitarian situation in Yemen organized by the Yemeni Relief Committee in coordination and cooperation with Qatar Charity (3 May 2015). Doha -Qatar

Photo of UN Environment  Regional Representatives and Major Groups with the  president of United Nations Environment Assembly -2 MR.EDAGR . (May 2016). Nairobi- Kenya

Photo of UN Environment Regional Representatives and Major Groups with the president of United Nations Environment Assembly -2 MR.EDAGR . (May 2016). Nairobi- Kenya

At the Arab regional conference on the Role of Civil societies on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals orgnized by Qatar Social Work .

At the Arab regional conference on the Role of Civil societies on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals orgnized by Qatar Social Work .

At the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Conference

At the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Conference "Youth Save Planet" Organized by UNESCO (14-16 May 2018). Paris- France

Speaking during the  	UNESCO Regional Education for Sustainable Development Flagship training. August 2017 organized  by UNESCO Beirut Office .

Speaking during the UNESCO Regional Education for Sustainable Development Flagship training. August 2017 organized by UNESCO Beirut Office .

At Climate Change Conference (COP 23) & Conference of Youth 13 (COY 13) .(1-18 November 2017) - Bonn -Germany.

At Climate Change Conference (COP 23) & Conference of Youth 13 (COY 13) .(1-18 November 2017) - Bonn -Germany.

Presentation on the role of Regional Representative at the UN Environment West Asia Regional Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation meeting (September 2017) Amman –Jordan.

Presentation on the role of Regional Representative at the UN Environment West Asia Regional Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation meeting (September 2017) Amman –Jordan.
